Hi, I'm Michael Tran. I am a second year student at Texas A&M University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. I am interested in anything regarding Linux, backend development, and data analysis. Outside of programming, I have a strong passion for powerlifting, and I love spending time with friends.
Matchmaker transforms a Google Forms survey into an opportunity to match people based on what they like. This is a system that demonstrates seamless integration with Google Workspace.
PathFinder is a CLI tool that uses the Google Maps API to determine the quickest and shortest path between destinations. This excels in cases where a waypoint has multiple possibilities.
ranch-scraper is a web scraper that indexes all students from 2019 that have attended Cypress Ranch High School, and executes data analysis on student profiles.
This is a playable version of the card game Phase 10. This was built using Java's AWT Library in under 3 weeks for my project-based research class.
md-blogger is a powerful system that converts ordinary markdown files into a full-fledged reference manual. This was used to build my Linux Commands Reference.