These general pointers are for linux installations.
Rufus/balenaEtcher can be used to flash an ISO image to a USB drive.
btrfs is a very good filesystem.
if editing the sudoers file. Follow the template:root ALL=(ALL) ALL
Window managers are a minimalist alternative to desktop environments. They typically operate with keybinds.
You may want to move /home after installation of a system to a partition with more space. These commands need root permission.
Use the appropriate filesystem type and partition name.
Create a new partition, format it, and mount it to /mnt.
cp -rp /home/* /mnt
cd /
mv /home /home.orig
mkdir /home
umount /dev/partition
mount /dev/partition /home
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
chmod a=rwx /etc/fstab
Edit fstab to look like the following, using tabs:
/dev/partition /home btrfs defaults 0 0
Optionally, delete home.orig after checking df /dev/partition
NVIDIA doesn't play well with Linux. If you use NVIDIA graphics, you will need to install appropriate drivers for optimal display functionality, like turning up the refresh rate.
Page added on 2021-11-10
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