ImageMagick can be used to manipulate images.
- magick input [options] output
- convert input [options] output
ImageMagick can convert between file formats by specifying a different extension
for the output.
- -resize [percentage]%, -resize[width]x[height] resize an image
- By default, resize keeps the aspect ratio and scales the larger dimension
to fit inside the specified area defined by width times height.
- ^ can be placed after the height dimension to indicate resizing the
smaller dimension instead.
- \! can be placed after the height dimension to ignore the aspect ratio.
- -rotate [degrees] rotate an image, positive is clockwise and negative is
- -crop [width]x[height]+[x]+[y] crop an image to width times height,
starting at the coordinate (x, y).
- -blur [radius] blur an image
- -sharpen [radius] enhance/sharpen an image
- -grayscale grayscale an image
- -gravity [type] specify where to add text or subimages
- -draw "[primitive(s)] [arguments]" add objects, including text, to an image
- -fuzz remove edges that are nearly the same color as the corners
- -trim remove edges that are exactly the same color as the corners
ImageMagick can also do inline image resizes and crops, where files are operated
on as they are read instead of finishing one image before moving on to the next.
- magick '*.jpg[64x64]' output resize to 64x64
- magick '*.jpg[62x62+2+2]' output crop to 62x62 starting from (2, 2)
Page added on 2021-12-02, last edited on: 2021-12-08
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