vim is a text editor.
- -n Don't use a swap file.
- -R Read-only mode.
- -x Encrypt written files.
vim is a keyboard centric program.
- i Go into insert mode (left of the cursor).
- ESC Return to command mode.
- h Move left one character
- j Move down one line
- k Move up one line
- l Move right one character
- w Move forward to the beginning of the next word
- e Move forward to the end of the next word
- b Move back one word
- / Search
- n Next item in search
- N Previous item in search
- p Paste after cursor
- x Delete one character
- y Yank/copy
- Y Yank line
- u Undo
- ^r Redo
- v Visual mode
- V Visual line mode
- ^v Visual column mode
- :[number] Go to a line number.
- :w Write
- :wq Write and quit
- :q Quit
- :q! Force quit
More editing
- a Go into insert mode to the right of the cursor.
- A Go into insert mode at the end of the line.
- I Go into insert mode at the first non-whitespace character.
- J Join the current line with the next line.
- o Make a new line below the current line and go into insert mode.
- O Make a new line above the current line and go into insert mode.
- s Change the current character.
- S, cc Change the current line.
- > Indent
- < Unindent
More moving
- W Move forward one Word (beginning)
- E Move forward one Word (end)
- B Move back one Word
- 0 Go to the beginning of the line.
- $ Go to the end of the line.
- gg Go to the beginning of the file.
- G Go to the end of the file.
- t[char] Go to the next occurrence of char.
- T[char] Go to the previous occurrence of char.
- { Go to the previous section, separated by newlines.
- } Go to the next section, separated by newlines.
The change (c) and delete (d) commands can be used as a prefix for other binds.
- [prefix]w Operate on the word at the cursor
- [prefix]t[char] Operate from the cursor to the next occurrence of char.
- [prefix]T[char] Operate from the cursor to the previous occurrence of
- [PREFIX] Operate to the end of a line.
- ~ Toggle case of a character.
- U/u Make a character uppercase/lowercase.
- gq Format a visual section to the correct number of characters per line.
- :[command] Execute a command.
- Ctrl+a Add 1 to a number
- Ctrl+x Remove 1 from a number
Source code
vim is in development. You can view its source code
neovim, a fork of vim, is also in development. You can view its source code
Page added on 2021-10-15, last edited on: 2021-12-29
All site content is in the Public Domain.