Personal Software
This is a list of software I use on Linux.
I use dwm. I have previously used and recommend KDE and bspwm.
Terminal emulators
- Alacritty is my main terminal
emulator of choice.
- Since Alacritty can be accelerated by the GPU, any updates to drivers may
require a restart for Alacritty to return to a usable state.
- st is a backup terminal.
I like the backgrounds on my terminals slightly transparent.
The Brave browser is a Chromium based web browser that stands out with its own
cryptocurrency, BAT. It has access to the same extensions that Chrome does, so
it's practically the same, just without Google.
Text editing
- I use neovim as my main text editor.
- VS Codium is my IDE of choice for
simple tasks.
- I enjoy using Jetbrains' products for more serious projects.
Z shell is a powerful alternative to bash.
Miscellaneous software
- I use Audacity for audio editing.
- I use OBS for video recording. I haven't fully
switched to ffmpeg.
- zathura is my pdf viewer of choice.
Configuration files
Page added on 2021-11-11
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